Designing A Backyard Skate Park With A Silo Structure

Designing A Backyard Skate Park With A Silo Structure

39 Fascinating Backyard Skatepark Diagram Fine Art Studio Backyard
39 Fascinating Backyard Skatepark Diagram Fine Art Studio Backyard from
Backyard Skate Park Design


Skateboarding has become a popular form of outdoor activity for many teenagers and young adults. As a result, designing a backyard skate park with a SILO structure has become a popular trend. Not only does it provide a fun space for skating, but it also adds a unique design element to any backyard. In this article, we will explore the best design approach and theme to use for a backyard skate park with a SILO structure. We will also provide suggestions for color schemes, furniture placement, and other decorative options to enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the space.

Design Approach

When designing a backyard skate park with a SILO structure, the design approach should be focused on functionality and safety. The skate park should be designed to accommodate different skill levels, from beginners to advanced skaters. It should also be designed to provide a safe environment for skaters to practice and perform tricks.


The skate park should be designed to include different types of obstacles, such as quarter pipes, rails, and ramps. These obstacles should be strategically placed to create a flow to the skate park, allowing skaters to move seamlessly from one obstacle to the next. The skate park should also be designed to allow for different types of skating, such as street skating and vert skating.


Safety should also be a top priority when designing a backyard skate park. The obstacles should be designed to have smooth transitions and be free of any sharp edges. The skate park should also have proper lighting for night skating and be surrounded by a fence to keep skaters from wandering out of the area.


The theme of the backyard skate park should be focused on the urban street culture. The design should incorporate elements of graffiti, street art, and industrial architecture.

Graffiti and Street Art

Graffiti and street art should be incorporated into the design of the skate park to give it an urban feel. The walls of the skate park can be painted with colorful graffiti murals, and the obstacles can be decorated with street art.
Graffiti Skate Park

Industrial Architecture

The SILO structure of the skate park provides a perfect opportunity to incorporate industrial architecture into the design. The structure can be painted with a rusted metal finish, and the obstacles can be designed to look like industrial equipment, such as shipping containers or construction materials.
Industrial Skate Park

Color Scheme

The color scheme of the backyard skate park should be focused on bright and bold colors. The walls of the skate park can be painted with vibrant colors, such as yellow, orange, and pink. The obstacles can be painted with contrasting colors, such as black or gray, to make them stand out.

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement in a backyard skate park, less is more. The skate park should be designed to provide maximum space for skating, with minimal furniture. However, benches or seating areas can be added for skaters to rest in between sessions.

Decorative Options

Decorative options for a backyard skate park can include plants, lighting, and artwork.


Plants can be added to the skate park to give it a natural feel. Potted plants can be placed around the edges of the skate park, and hanging plants can be added to the SILO structure.


Proper lighting is important for night skating. String lights or spotlights can be added to the skate park to provide adequate lighting for skaters.


Artwork can be added to the skate park to give it a unique and personalized feel. Custom artwork can be painted on the walls or obstacles, or stickers can be added to the SILO structure.


Designing a backyard skate park with a SILO structure can be a fun and exciting project. By focusing on functionality and safety, incorporating urban street culture into the theme, and adding bright and bold colors, plants, lighting, and artwork, you can create a unique and personalized space for skaters to enjoy.